2. Apr 2020 | Nature
The Flowers That Bring Happiness

Written in Japanese characters as “the flowers that bring happiness”.
We like to travel when we need a break. It could be with friends, family or alone. Now, in this crisis when we need a break the most, we can’t travel. We need to stay at home.
I’ve pondered if it’s right to keep on posting pictures of Abashiri on my website and SNS considering the sufferings in many parts of the world.
But just as much feeling nature nearby is keeping me going, I’m hoping these pictures from this northern island in Japan can help you keep your spirits high, too. I know they’re mere pictures – but with heart ♥
I try to imagine things that make me happy and the great things that could happen when we get over this. I hope it’s the same for you, too. The current hardships will all be over one day, and the doors will be opened again. Till then, let us keep our spirits strong.